PBIS-1000 Prototype
“Kaymont looked at the product, it witnessed that the Prototype was fully functional and that it propelled an inflated balloon to 45,000 feet and mentioned that they were interested in hundreds of the PBIS-1000”.
Pedro Villagran Garcia
Alumifuel Power Corporation

The PBIS-1000 is a Portable Balloon Inflation System. The design of the PBIS-1000 has been diligently modified over the years covering specific customer feedback and advancements in the current technology.
The system can produce hydrogen gas from a simple combination of Alumifuel’s Proprietary Mixture with water. We cannot disclose specific compounds, but our base ingredient is Aluminum which causes a specific reaction that splits the oxygen and hydrogen contained in water, releasing hydrogen in the process.
We are the first company in the world to commercialize this technology; potential to usher in a new era of Hydrogen Energy.
The mixture comes prepackaged in a can that can be stored for months. The canisters can be stored without the fear of exploding, like dangerous K-Cylinders might, and take up such a smaller space then those bulky K-Cylinders.
The process is as simple as placing the canister in the specific area and then pulling down on the lever of the PBIS-1000.
As a device it will generate clean Hydrogen Gas for any use you can think of, from weather balloons to bigger projects such as powering large turbines for green energy.
We are already partnered with Kaymont Weather Balloons, (www.kaymont.com) one of the largest weather balloon companies out of New York. This brings tremendous exposure for our company because Kaymont is a leader in Meteorological Weather Balloons and they recommend Alumifuel’s PBIS-1000 Generator to its customers.
Here is our PBIS-1000 Generator in action at a customer demonstration. You can see the ease of the system, it is portable and rugged, and it was meant to go places ordinary small delicate machinery couldn’t. There are remote places in the world where a K-Cylinder is restricted from being shipped, hindering weather balloons launches in those areas. With our technology we can launch any weather balloon anywhere in the world from the back of a truck.
We have proved over the years that the PBIS-1000 Generator, will be a leader in our industry, and the PBIS-1000 technology will enable our company to branch off into many different types of projects based on the Cannister/PBIS-1000 Generator.
The current weather balloon market is a sizable and considerable business and encompasses military as well as civil government meteorological users worldwide. Based on customer reaction, API and its path-to-market partner, Kaymont Consolidated of Long Island, New York, the world’s largest distributor of weather balloons, believe the PBIS-1000 can become the field standard and product of choice.